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People do many different things to stayhealthy. What do you do for good health? Usespecific reasons and examples to support youranswer.

Model Essay(范文):

Our healthy is the only things we really have in the world. You can take away our money, ourhouse, or our clothes and we can survive. Take away our health and we will die. That is why Ieat healthfully, exercise regularly, and keep up my social life.

Eating healthfully is important to maintain one’s health. I try to avoid foods high in fat likeFrench fries or cookies. I also try to limit the amount o f animal protein I consume. I nevereat more than a few ounces of fish or chicken a day and I rarely eat meat. I eat a lot ofvegetables and fresh fruit which are full of fiber and vitamins. It is important to know how tocook these foods so the nutrients are not lost in the cooking process.

Your muscles must continue to be strong to support your body as it grows older. Exercise helpsthe bones build density and helps you maintain your posture. A regular exercise program ofcardiovascular training and weight training is an important part of keeping you healthy.

Friends are an important part of one’s health. Studies have shown that people with a widerange of social contacts get fewer colds and have fewer complaints than those who don’t. Laughing is also an important part of health. I like to laugh with my friends and I always feelbetter when I am with them than when I am alone.

By eating properly and exercise regularly, I can keep my body at an appropriate weight andcan maintain my health. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as mybody happy. It’s all part of my recipe for healthful living.

重点单词 全部解释

protein['prəuti:n]n. 蛋白质

density['densiti]n. 密集,密度,透明度

consume[kən'sju:m]v. 消耗,花费,挥霍

appropriate[ə'prəupriət]adj. 适当的,相称的

vt. 拨出(款项)

posture['pɔstʃə]n. 姿势,态度,情形

vt. 作 ... 姿

recipe['resipi]n. 食谱,秘诀,药方

social['səuʃəl]adj. 社会的,社交的

n. 社交聚会

range[reindʒ]n. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列

v. 排

avoid[ə'vɔid]vt. 避免,逃避

survive[sə'vaiv]vt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过
